EDIT: Here's something more interpretable: The 'Everything's Gone Horribly Wrong'/'A Bad Example For Children' Backgrounds of my original characters.
Iris Seraph: When she was 12, guys from the local mafia in their part of Sacramento decided to bust in her home and execute both of her parents (since they're top employees in a business involved with the Mafia) in front of her while making her watch. Afterward, she's so in shock that she sits there for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT absolutely motionless until the police decide to try and make a move by putting her parents' into body bags. She gets pissed and starts attacking the officers.
Damian Ark: His parents left him with a couple in Russia, who are both raging drunkards. Wavelength Industries found him at the age of 13 (about, anyway) outside the Tavern where his 'Parents' live, heavily emaciated and deprived of sleep, WHILE being beaten by his 'Parents'.
Sara Raine: People always treated her like total shit at school. This one group of girls decided that they're going to spread a rumor around about her. She got super-pissed when people all started making fun of her about it. She has anger management issues, and kidnaps the three girls that started the rumor. The girls are found horribly disfigured three days later (missing body parts, heavy scarring, mental trauma), and Sara is taken to a mental hospital. OH BUT IT GETS WORSE. She has the analytical aptitude of a genius, accompanied with the mindset of a serial killer. So she stays there for nines days until on the tenth day, her caretaker fails to arrive with lunch. She gets pissed again, makes her way out of her cell (she's a fucking genius), and then proceeds to release all of the other patients and urge them to kill each other with anything they can. The walls are soon painted red in the Patient's Wing. Afterward, she just kinda kills everyone else in cruel and unusual ways after shutting off the automated defensive system. I'd explain more, but it's a story in it's own right.
Izzy O'Brien: Izzy lives in Ireland. She sees the WL Project signup sheet. She can't convince her parents to let her sign up. So she steals her parent's money and runs away. She flies to Seattle and finds her way to the WL Main Bldg. via taxi. She then meets personally with Lucius Baird (WL's CEO) and convinces him to let her just be a project since she came this huge way to do so.
Eric Ceros: He's walking in the Chicago streets with his family when all of a sudden, a friggin' car filled with bank robbers skids around the street corner they're on. His wife gets slammed head-on by the side doors and flies 20 feet or so. The car stops, the robbers get out, and a firefight with oncoming cop cars ensues. The police are urging he and his 11 year old daughter to run over there. So they do. But little Ms. Ceros has been watching too many drama movies, and decides to play Actor when a man is about to gun her dad down. Boom, headshot, and Eric's daughter is a goner with her blood on his suit. His wife died on impact with the car.
EDIT: I made some friggin' new art. Good for me.
'You': An open main database prone to damage, infection, and other such things worthy of caution to a database.
You is sustained and maintenanced by the following:
Sense is the administrator who has the final call in anything. He is selfish, manipulative, uncaring, yet weak.
Morality is a young girl, naive and selfless to a fault.
Instinct is a beast hell-bent on survival. His purpose is to protect You and make sure that at any cost You remains online.
Need informs Sense if You requires any maintenance or supplement.
This system is not flawless, however.
There are foreign Anomalies that intrude the systems unnoticed.
Morality is bothered by several different Anomalies.
There is Anger, a man who threatens and bullies Morality out of her position and subsequently takes over.
There is also Greed, an Anomaly with a con-man-esque demeanor who persuades and lures Morality away from her objective and allows Sense to run free with his decisions without her consent.
Then there is Retribution, a cruel woman who demands payback for those who she believes have wronged You, and persuades Morality to step out of the way and let her handle the situation. She ends up being in league with Anger.
Denial is an older girl, and wants to do what she thinks is right, which that sense is actually very, very skewed. Denial will make Morality do something she regrets, then convinces her it's fine.
Instinct faces other Anomalies:
There are Challenges, other beasts who taunt Instinct to take them on in combat. Challenges come in varied sizes and difficulty, and some are good for Instinct to take on. However, some fool Instinct into thinking they are simple opponents, but they are not, and Instinct is thus defeated.
There is also Temptation. Temptation is a voluptuous woman with a perfect form. She beckons Instinct to her, and if Instinct chooses to do so, he is tricked and betrayed on many occasions, and any other time gains but a temporary benefit.
Need faces some of the more difficult and cunning of the Anomalies:
Want is Need's twin. They look exactly alike, talk alike, and service You. Want only occasionally comes up, and Sense does not try to discern one from the other. When Want comes up, it is when he sees something he would want, but not something that You requires to operate properly. On some occasions, his exploits result in damage to You.
Temptation also has a tendency to intrude on Need, and seduces him as well.
Delusion tells Need that You is fine, even if it's very obvious it isn't. Need, however, is panicking by this stage, and is calmed by Delusion's words.