Ok, I'm gonna fucking rant about this, I don't even fucking care.
The iOS 4 sucks immense fucking ass. The OS 3's latest fucking version kicked ass compared to this.
By downloading this, I pretty much took the OS 3 and hit it with a fucking stick until it got retarded. THAT IS HOW BAD IT IS.
The two fucking functions I got out of it that I actually liked were folders and the ability to correctly load picture resolution.
Otherwise, everything else they fucking advertised isn't FUCKING AVAILABLE because fucking APPLE decided that their fucking TECHNICIANS could be totally fucking USELESS and LAZY as SHIT to only make the USEFUL SHIT available for the fucking LATEST GENERATION or BULLSHIT like THAT.
So they practically FORCE you to buy more FUCKING SHIT and sell your USELESS SHIT so you can get the USEFUL SHIT.
And actually, they're pretty much begging you to fucking Jailbreak the fucking thing.
Which I plan on doing, since the quality of this OS is equivalent to fucking CHICKEN TESTICLES ON FUCKING FIRE.
Steve Jobs can go suck a fucking SHOTGUN.
And what really pisses me off is the fact that the fucking internet connection keeps turning on and off and on and FUCKING OFF for NO FUCKING REASON. And it's so fucking SLOOOOOW. It takes about TEN FUCKING MINUTES to load about THREE MINUTES of video on Jewtube. I'm not joking, I timed that shit. THAT FUCKING LONG.
Hate the fucker. So FUCKING MUCH.
And the thing that pisses me off more is the fact that you can't fucking revert to the good OS. Retarded fucking Apple.
Fuck you, Steve Jobs. Fuck. You.
Argh. Long post was long.
In other news:
Igott is leaving or something. Is sad.
Is feeling disappointed. I haven't done anything REALLY SUPER FUCKING AWESOME at all, and it's already halfway through summer.
And MSPA will remain on hiatus until I regain interest.
Also, watched Toy Story 3 with my family. It was nice.
Fuck. All the good users are leaving. Newgrounds IS dying.
FFffFfff. Is too melancholy to rage.
Sad that it's come to this.