Aaahahall righty then..
Eheheheh... Uhh...
Well, you lived up to being random as hell.
And I will say that the animation quality is high, albeit crude.
Otherwise, I will admit to smiling at the randomness that occured.
However, this eventually dissolved into an inquiring look after skit #8, I'd say.
The random humor got quite repetitive, though it was still funny for the length of this animation.
However, if this animation was twice as long, I would close my browser and find something else to do.
Don't get me wrong, I found the humor to work, but overuse of the same random element and the lack of structure in anything, it got really old, really fast.
It's a fine animation. I did enjoy it.
Good work.
But next time, please limit the "Whoopsie!" noise to MUCH fewer than that.
<3 ZI.