"Haha, I can summon zombies with my viola. What can you do, Valentine? Oh, that's right. Nothing but shoot bullets and kick people. I win."
"Haha, I can summon zombies with my viola. What can you do, Valentine? Oh, that's right. Nothing but shoot bullets and kick people. I win."
Kinda weird.
I don't know why, but I just don't like this.
It seems like you tried too hard to make him seem muscular. Also, There's no dimensioning, so the picture looks off.
Mainly his neck. (I mean look at it, it looks like it's waaay off center)
However, I still can tell that he's running, so I don't think it's much of an issue if you can visualize it.
Good job. Needs work, but still good.
Nice, again.
Ah, don't you just love young girls with odd powers?
Nice style and coloring there. And cool character design as well.
Awesome job!
By the way, everyone, it's a demon arm. I read it on his DA account.
Very Cute!
I love this picture. I admire your style, coloring, and general feel of the pic. And I like the hint of sexyness here. Keep it up, man. Love your work.
And for me, honestly, I can't find a flaw.
Very nice.
I like it.
sooooo true
ah ha!
submitted your first art here?
awesome just like before.
Yep. :P
Local crossdresser gets horny, screams at the void
Age 29, Female
The Flat-Chested Girls Academy
Line Ark
Joined on 4/1/09