Edit: Well, apparently my Walfas art is considered against portal rules. You know, I might join DeviantArt just for the sake of having a decent art portal and moderators who don't utterly suck Tom's throbbing cock to remain in control of their biased positions. This art portal sucks huge dick, might I add, especially after Ego got hijacked and decided to unscout FUCKING EVERYONE. Seriously, what the fuck. And I got unscouted for NO FUCKING REASON. It doesn't even say why the fuck you get unscouted. It just sends you a message from M-Bot saying 'YOU'RE UNSCOUTED FAGGOT'. It's so retarded in so many ways.
Go on. Have a listen. Yukari will be happy if you do.
A history on Ms. Yakumo.
In honor of News Post 69, I present to you Ms. Yakumo and Ms. Saigyouji making out. Generally SFW.
And now some mild NSFW.
Yukari is happy then.
Because I also found it win.